Adversarial Drone Learning System
Project Overview
An interactive system featuring a custom-built drone and an anti-drone mechanism, both equipped with ZED 2i stereo cameras. The system implements adversarial learning to enhance evasion and interception capabilities through real-time interaction and adaptation.
Development Progress
Custom drone with ZED 2i camera integration
Anti-drone system with tracking capabilities
Adversarial training in action
Technical Details
System Components
- Custom-built lightweight drone platform
- ZED 2i stereo cameras for depth perception
- Simulated interception system with toy gun
- Real-time tracking and response system
- Multi-agent learning framework
Technical Implementation
- Multi-Agent Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (MADDPG)
- Custom simulation environment for training
- Real-time perception and tracking pipeline
- Distributed computing architecture
- Data collection and analysis framework
Code Implementation
# Multi-Agent Learning Implementation
class AdversarialSystem:
def __init__(self):
self.drone_agent = DroneAgent()
self.anti_drone_agent = AntiDroneAgent()
self.environment = SimulationEnv()
def train_agents(self, episodes):
for episode in range(episodes):
state = self.environment.reset()
done = False
while not done:
# Drone action selection
drone_action = self.drone_agent.select_action(state)
# Anti-drone response
anti_drone_action = self.anti_drone_agent.select_action(state)
# Environment step
next_state, reward, done, info = self.environment.step(
drone_action, anti_drone_action
# Update agents
self.drone_agent.update(state, drone_action, reward)
self.anti_drone_agent.update(state, anti_drone_action, -reward)
state = next_state